Dream a little dream of…Ranch. Source: You Can Finally Buy That Ranch Fountain You’ve Always Dreamed Of… MORE
People are angry that this Animal Park in Thailand is doing an Orangutan boxing show. Is it OK, or does it go too far? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4306842/Exploitative-orangutan-boxing-Bangkok-criticised.html… MORE
The developer of the robot series, former UTA aerospace student Stacy Stephens, said the robots’ tasks include scanning license plates, monitoring restricted areas, giving directions, videotaping and collecting digital information. Source: Crime-fighting robots could join the UTA police | The Star-Telegram… MORE
It turns out that when you ask Amazon Echo’s Alexa about her potential connection the Central Intelligence Agency, she gets suspiciously quiet. Source: Alexa won’t tell you whether she’s connected to the CIA… MORE
A college student in Arkansas used his juggling skills to prove his sobriety after being pulled over by a campus police officer. Source: Watch: Arkansas college student juggles to prove sobriety to police – UPI.com… MORE
The definitive ranking of the best breakfast cereals, ranked by taste and undefinable magic. Source: The Definitive Power Ranking Of The World’s Best Cereals… MORE
This past Saturday, a stunt, equally daring and stupid, happened over the 60 freeway in Riverside County. A dirt bike, possibly ridden by 24-year old motocross biker Kyle Katsandris, appears to have jumped over the four-lane Moreno Valley highway. The California Highway Patrol is taking steps to prevent anyone else from trying the stunt, but…… MORE