SCIENTISTS trying to grow our body parts inside pigs to end the shortage of organs needed for transplants could inadvertently make animals with human brains, it has emerged. Source: Human-pig hybrids for organ transplants could develop into monsters with ‘OUR brains’ | Science | News | Daily Express… MORE
Source: No Charges Filed Against Mom Whose Son Fell Into Gorilla Exhibit – ABC News… MORE
US scientists try to grow human organs inside pigs to solve the transplant shortage by injecting human stem cells into pig embryos. Source: US bid to grow human organs for transplant inside pigs – BBC News… MORE
Scholars claim that several nuances of the Julian and Egyptian calendars led to the miscalculation in the previous end date predicted by the Mayans. With those factored in, the world is now scheduled to come to an end in June this year. Source: Scholars Release The Latest Date For Apocalypse – June 3-4, 2016… MORE
Do you love bacon so much it should be your beat? Source: Now Hiring: Extra Crispy Is Looking for a Bacon Critic | Extra Crispy… MORE
Do you love bacon so much it should be your beat? Source: Now Hiring: Extra Crispy Is Looking for a Bacon Critic… MORE
Former reality star Mama June is going on the road for a summer strip club tour. Source: Mama June to appear for meet-and-greets during strip club mini-tour this summer… MORE
A Cincinnati man was jailed after he allegedly stripped naked in front of an employee at the Kroger store in Hyde Park and defecated on a U-Scan machine. Source: Man allegedly pooped on Kroger U-Scan machine… MORE