CREDIT: JANE BARLOW/PA Source: Jousting could become Olympic competition as English Heritage leads campaign to have ‘skill and strength’ of sport recognised … MORE
CREDIT: JANE BARLOW/PA Source: Jousting could become Olympic competition as English Heritage leads campaign to have ‘skill and strength’ of sport recognised … MORE
English Heritage launches a petition calling for the medieval pursuit of jousting to be made an Olympic sport. Source: Olympics: Include jousting in Games, petition urges – BBC News… MORE
A MUM had a Benjamin Button moment when she took her little lad shopping – and spotted his “future self” in the supermarket. In a bizarre picture posted on Reddit the cute toddler is seen sitting i… Source: Does this photo prove time travel exists? Mum posts photo which shows what her son will look…… MORE
An Australian woman who came home to find a koala had broken into her house captured video of the adorable intruder trying its hand at pole dancing. Source: Australian woman catches home-intruding koala attempting to pole dance… MORE
Hacker Group PoodleCorp claimed responsibility for taking down Pokémon Go servers, although Niantic did not verify the attack. Source: Hackers claim to have launched DDoS attack that crashed Pokémon Go… MORE
A man currently at Cumberland County Prison in connection with a rash of burglaries in the Midstate now faces new charges after a human brain was found at a home Source: Police: Brain found at burglary suspect’s home | Crime and Courts |… MORE